Angel-Inspired Living
Facebook Group

Would you like to receive inspiring and uplifting messages from the angels?

Are you looking for a place to connect with like-hearted angel lovers like yourself?

Are you in need of calming meditations, spiritual wisdom discussions, and healing sessions?

Join us in the 
Angel-Inspired Living
Facebook Group

For all who are drawn to angels and want to experience them more in your life.

This is a group of like-minded souls looking to strengthen their angelic connections, expand their awareness, learn about the different angels, and also share experiences, signs and messages from the angels.

I have created this group to honor the angels and the important role they’ve played in my life, and to share what I have learned in connecting with them daily.

It can be challenging to maintain our spiritual connections while navigating the stress of everyday life, but the angels are here and ready to help, guide and support us...and from my experience, that can make all the difference. 

Group Led by Kris Groth

Kris Groth is a spiritual mentor, energy healer, angel enthusiast, bestselling author of Soul-iloquy: A Novel of Healing, Soul Connection & Passion, and co-author of five other bestselling books, including 365 Days of Angel Prayers. Kris and her angels have been working together for many years to help people connect more deeply to their own truth, to promote healing and restore balance to the body, mind, heart and soul. Kris serves clients around the world through her healing and spiritual mentoring sessions, online courses, and powerful guided sound healing meditations using crystal singing bowls.