March 12

Spring Forward, Out of Your Comfort Zone

Spring Forward, Out of Your Comfort Zone

Having just moved our clocks forward for daylight savings time, I am reminded that it is time to do just that, spring forward. All winter there has been a dormancy in the natural world and also within ourselves. Winter is all about quiet introspection, going within, recharging and replenishing for the coming year. Now spring is almost here. The trees are gathering their energies for new growth. Seeds in the earth, have been comfortable in the darkness, but now feel cramped and ready to expand. They reach for the light that they know is there, even if they can't see it. Somewhere deep inside them they inherently know that if they can just keep reaching and stretching themselves, they will bloom and grow allowing all of their divine gifts to shine. That is what we need to do as well.How can we stretch ourselves to be more of what we are born to be? In what ways can we step out of our comfort zone and let our gifts be seen, to bloom? One of the ways I am stretching myself is by writing. I have been feeling the nudge lately to write more, and not just for myself as I had been doing in my journal, but to write as a way to share my gifts with others. I was recently reminded that when I was a child and even in high school, I loved to write and thought I would be a professional writer. Somehow along the way, this gift was shut down. Not only did I forget that I ever wanted to write, but I forgot that I could.  I had picked up the belief that I had used up all my words, that I had nothing to share, no one would want to her what I had to say, and that words were not my friends. All of these things that I had told myself over their years were untrue and were keeping contained in my shell. What have your told yourself over the years that is not true? What gets in the way of you being all that you are meant to be? By letting go of these old untruths, and allowing my writing gifts to come forward, I feel a new excitement and energy about it. A light has been re-lit, one that I thought had been snuffed years ago. Now it is burning brightly and shining a light within me. And like the seed emerging from the ground, now that this sliver of light has been found, there is no stopping it from blooming and springing forward. What steps can you take to let your true light shine and emerge from the darkness? ​May all your gifts spring forward joyfully! ​ ​Happy spring! Kris

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About the Author

Kris Groth is a spiritual mentor, energy healer, and bestselling author of Soul-iloquy: A Novel of Healing, Soul Connection & Passion. She is passionate about helping people connect more deeply to their own truth, to promote healing, restore balance to the body, mind, heart & soul, and live a soul-connected life. Kris serves clients around the world through her healing and spiritual mentoring sessions, and powerful guided sound healing meditations.

Kris Groth

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