January 31

Healing to Find the Middle Ground


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Healing to Find the Middle Ground

A time for healing

I was in a healing session for myself yesterday. A pain in my shoulder just would not go away. I know that these things are often a result of stuck emotional issues that haven’t been dealt with.  

Identifying the struggle

During the session I could feel the struggle within myself. One side was the positive visionary who sees only possibilities, amazing opportunities, and success. She sees all my dreams coming true, and that they are just around the corner. Everything is bright and shiny and miraculous in her world. She feels light and expansive, nothing can stop her. She has no worries or concerns, and truly believes all will be well.

The other part of me is stuck in the muck of “reality”. I call this the practical side. Worrying about money, stressing about the details, trying to figure out what to do and how to make it happen. She feels weighed down by stress, responsibilities, and the realities of the present times. Depressed and despairing because she can’t seem to get everything to work out the way that she envisions.

So what do I do with these two opposing sides that both serve a purpose for me, and yet the struggle between them is wreaking havoc in my body? I don’t want to get rid of either one. The visionary is needed to continue to dream and inspire me to be more. The practical side handles the day to day requirements of life. They both play an important role. What can I do when I can no longer live with this struggle?

Finding the middle ground

Suddenly I had a clear vision of living in between them. Finding a balance between the two sides. The middle ground where dreams and possibilities can come into form and the dark reality has hope. In this place of balance, both sides can help each other. The practical side can help the visionary to take steps to make her dreams come true. And the visionary can help the despairing practical one to see that there are endless possibilities, and she doesn’t need to stay stuck where she is.

Where Dreams and Possibilities can come into form and the dark reality has Hope.

This middle ground is the place where my path spreads out before me. This is where I move forward in my truth and let my light shine. Possibility in action.

Can you find your middle ground?

Where do your dreams come into form and your possibilities into action?

Where does your reality find hope?


If you need help finding this for yourself, reach out to me. I’d love to help. Click this link to schedule a free call or schedule a healing session.

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About the Author

Kris Groth is a spiritual mentor, energy healer, and bestselling author of Soul-iloquy: A Novel of Healing, Soul Connection & Passion. She is passionate about helping people connect more deeply to their own truth, to promote healing, restore balance to the body, mind, heart & soul, and live a soul-connected life. Kris serves clients around the world through her healing and spiritual mentoring sessions, and powerful guided sound healing meditations.

Kris Groth

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