July 18

Disconnect to Reconnect, How Unplugging is Good for the Soul


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Disconnect to Reconnect, How Unplugging is Good for the Soul

What if you could reconnect with your deeper self to hear the whispers of your soul?

Do you feel overwhelmed by all that you have to pay attention to in every moment? In this time of technology and social media, we are constantly bombarded with information and tasks that need our attention. There are so many distractions and things to pay attention to at all times that it seems impossible to have even a moment's peace. How can we expect to hear the whispers of our soul with all this noise?

[bctt tweet="Peace is possible. You just need to make it a priority." username="@kris_groth"]

Make YOU a priority:  The first step is to put your needs for personal and spiritual wellbeing at the top of your list. Your needs are more important than your emails, social media posts, television, phone calls, etc.  Your needs are also more important that all the other obligations and expectations weighing on you. Disconnect:  The second step is actually taking time out and disconnecting from all those distractions. Turning off the phone, computer, TV, radio. A complete break from all the noise and busy-ness, even if it is for a couple hours, will allow you to begin to settle down and quiet your mind. You might want to leave your house and go somewhere to physically get away and to avoid being pulled back into the chaos. Go to a park, take a drive, a weekend getaway (unplugged)...whatever will give you the opportunity to take a break from your routine and stress, and disconnect. Reconnect with your Self:  Once you have disconnected from your stressors, you can begin to reconnect with your self by grounding, centering, meditating, journaling, and other soul-care practices. Do you have some interests that had gotten pushed aside because you were too busy? Take some time to do the things you love and that bring you joy. Find the excitement and joy you once had as a child. Or simply take the time to just be...enjoy the stillness around you, taking in all the natural beauty, and being grateful for the gift of being alive this day. Reconnecting with your deeper self, and paying attention to the urgings of your soul is a precious gift that you can give yourself. If you took the time to listen, what might your soul be trying to tell you? What valuable information have you been missing amidst all the distractions?

[bctt tweet="Disconnect from the world and reconnect with your self." username="@kris_groth"]

Schedule sacred soul time: It really is that simple. Follow these steps as often as you can. Maybe each day you take an hour for your sacred soul time. Once a week take a day for yourself. Once a month go away for a weekend. Whatever schedule works for you and your needs. Just make sure it is at the top of your priority list and that you find ways to make it happen, you might need to be creative.

It is not selfish to take time for yourself, in fact, it is the best thing you can do for others.

Reconnecting with your passion and purpose will benefit us all, and promote peace in the world.

  If you would like help or guidance to reconnect with your deeper self, please schedule a complimentary phone consult to discuss your options.

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About the Author

Kris Groth is a spiritual mentor, energy healer, and bestselling author of Soul-iloquy: A Novel of Healing, Soul Connection & Passion. She is passionate about helping people connect more deeply to their own truth, to promote healing, restore balance to the body, mind, heart & soul, and live a soul-connected life. Kris serves clients around the world through her healing and spiritual mentoring sessions, and powerful guided sound healing meditations.

Kris Groth

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