An Invitation from Author Kris Groth

Join me as a LAUNCH PARTNER,
May 30, 2018!

What if you could have a conversation with your soul? Could it help you with your career or your love life?

We all have times in our lives when we need to make critical decisions. Making these decisions in alignment with the soul, makes everything easier and more harmonious. Do ever you wonder what a soul-connected life would look like?

Soul-iloquy: A Novel of Healing, Soul Connection, and Passionprovides a vivid picture of how spirituality and healing can blend with everyday life, to give it purpose and direction. 

A dark night of the soul has Lily St. Angelo searching for something that will give her empty life meaning and fulfillment. She finds a healer to help her to clear away debris from the past, connect with her soul, and discover what her soul truly wants for her.

Join Lily on her journey of self-discovery, healing and transformation, as she learns to connect deeply within herself, listen to her guidance, and make some life-changing decisions, including whether to follow the love of her heart, or the love of her soul. Will she choose romantic love or soul love? What would you choose?

Let's Partner! Here are all the details:

COLLABORATIVE REQUIREMENT:  In exchange for highlighting your free opt-in gift on the BONUS GIFTS page in the high-visibility book launch, we ask that you commit to sending  a SOLO email during the early morning of May 30, 2018, and support the launch on social media support for 48 hours.  

GREAT VISIBILITY for YOUR BRAND! With all of us spreading the word to all of our followers, your gift and your brand have the potential to reach a much greater audience, and shining our lights that much brighter!

Imagine what this kind of exposure can do for YOUR brand when you highlight your free gift as a launch partner.

Discover the Power of Heart-centered Collaboration to
Grow Your List While Spreading a Message of Soul Connection & Love



  1. Reserve a SOLO email in your Promotional Calendar for May 30, 2018.
RESERVE YOUR PLACEMENT as a Launch Partner below.

  3. Submit Your GIFT FILES today or by May 4

Thank you for being an important part of this special day!