FREE 3-Day Virtual Workshop 

Manifesting with the Angels

Join me & a community of like-minded souls for a FREE 3-day workshop experience, Manifesting with the Angels. This inspired event will be broadcast Live in the Angel-Inspired Living Facebook Group on Jan. 19-21, 2021. Your registration includes access to the replays, homework, and supportive resources, more details below. 

Reserve your seat today!

what you get

Here’s what you’ll learn in Manifesting with the Angels!

Day 1 
Jan. 19th@1:00CST
Clarify & Call in Your Desires
  • Get clear on what you want, focusing on the positive
  • Be specific about what you are requesting
  • Focus on how you want to feel when you receive what you desire
Day 2 
Jan. 20th@1:00CST
Surrender to Divine Timing
  • Ask the angels to help with your request
  • Let go of control and attachment to the outcome
  • Trust in divine timing and that whatever happens is for your greatest good
Day 3 
Jan. 21st@1:00CST
Allow & Receive Miracles
  • Open to receive what is coming to you
  • Know you are worthy and deserving
  • Gratefully allow and accept the blessings & miracles from the angels

About the Instructor

Kris Groth is an Archangel Life Coach, intuitive energy healer, founder of the Archangel Immersion online course series & bestselling author. Kris & her angels have been working together for many years to help people find their inner truth, heal & balance the body, mind, heart and soul, and to live an inspired life. Kris serves clients around the world through healing & coaching sessions, online courses & powerful guided sound healing meditations using crystal singing bowls.

Register today to ensure you don't miss a thing!

This FREE workshop will be broadcast live in the Angel-Inspired Living Facebook Group. Register today to receive valuable course materials and bonuses.

Kris Groth

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