July 12

Is it Guidance, Coincidence or Crazy?

Is it Guidance, Coincidence or Crazy?

Do you often ask to receive a message or a sign to help you make a decision? Have you ever been disappointed that you didn't receive anything? Or you get a message, but discount it as being crazy, unable to trust it?I have experienced this in my own life many times, and also hear it over and over again from my clients. We are asking for guidance, but have a hard time trusting what we receive. Sometimes the messages are confusing, or could be interpreted in different ways. That dies make it difficult to know what it is trying to tell us. But there are also messages and signs that are quite clear, but we tell ourselves, "That's crazy. That can't be right." We chalk it up as coincidence and ignore it. Or when we receive an intuitive hit about what we should do, we think that we are crazy. Other people don't experience things like this, so there must be something wrong with me. I can't listen to this. Or maybe the message is in opposition to what your mind knows or your beliefs have told you. If it doesn't fit with what we think we know, we push it aside and discount it. Often when we ask for a sign about what to do, we already have an answer in mind and are looking for validation to support that idea. When the message doesn't agree with what we thought the answer was, we throw out the message, instead of re-evaluating what we previously thought. There is nothing wrong with asking for guidance from our inner wisdom, our higher selves, our soul, and even outside ourselves from spirit, Angels, guides, etc. If we are asking for this guidance, we need to know how to receive it and how to know what it means. The most effective way to do this is practice. Make a practice everyday to ask a question and and pay attention to how the answer comes to you. Does it come as a thought in your mind that won't go away, or hearing the answer from a stranger passing by in conversation, a song lyric when you turned on the radio, a message in your inbox that is exactly what you need...often these messages seem to jump out at you. There are infinite ways that you can receive answers to the questions you ask. By doing this daily, you will be better able to know what things to pay attention to and what things to let go by. Also note how you feel when you receive those messages. Is there a sensation in your body, or any emotional charge? These can be clues for you as well. The more often you practice this, the more you will be able to trust what you receive and will know how to respond. A year ago I was trying to decide whether I should move my business to a new location. I visited a site, and immediately felt peaceful and happy. The thought came to me "I would love to work here." I said to a friend that I really liked the place, but I was afraid I might lose clients by moving. Not 30 seconds later my phone rang and it was a new client wanting to come see me, but didn't want to drive all the way to my current location. He actually lived near the one I just looked at! I accepted all of those things as signs, my feeling, my thought, and the random call. I moved to this new location and absolutely love it! I could have disregarded all of them and let my fears, thoughts and beliefs keep me from making any changes, but then I would have remained stuck. I'm happy that I listened to all of the guidance that I received, and am so grateful to have moved on to all the blessings that have come to me since I took that step!​ What guidance are you receiving? How will you respond to these messages? Blessings to you in all that you receive!
If you would like help understanding and following your guidance and intuition, I'd be happy to help! Schedule a free Let's Connect Call today!
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About the Author

Kris Groth is a spiritual mentor, energy healer, and bestselling author of Soul-iloquy: A Novel of Healing, Soul Connection & Passion. She is passionate about helping people connect more deeply to their own truth, to promote healing, restore balance to the body, mind, heart & soul, and live a soul-connected life. Kris serves clients around the world through her healing and spiritual mentoring sessions, and powerful guided sound healing meditations.

Kris Groth

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