FREE 3-Day Virtual Workshop 

Angels & Intuition 

Join me & a community of like-minded souls for a FREE 3-day workshop experience, Angels & Intuition.

This inspired event will be broadcast Live in the Angel-Inspired Living Facebook Group on Oct. 20-22, 2021.

Your registration includes access to the replays, homework, and supportive resources, more details below. 

Reserve your seat today!


Here’s what you’ll learn in Angels & Intuition!

Day 1 
Oct. 20th
9:30-10:30am CDT
Clearing Intuitive Blocks
  • Learn how the Angels can assist us in accessing our intuition
  • Clear the blocks to your intuitive gifts through a powerful Angelic EFT experience
Day 2 
Oct. 21st
9:30-10:30am CDT
Discovering your Way
  • Explore the various intuitive senses & how the angels communicate through them
  • Discover your intuitive gifts through sound healing meditation
Day 3 
Oct. 22nd
9:30-10:30am CDT
Expanding your Awareness
  • Receive tips & practices to help expand your awareness
  • Understand how the angels can help you to receive more messages & guidance

About the Instructor

Kris Groth is an Archangel Life Coach, intuitive energy healer, founder of the Archangel Immersion online course series & bestselling author. Kris & her angels have been working together for many years to help people find their inner truth, heal & balance the body, mind, heart and soul, and to live an inspired life. Kris serves clients around the world through healing & coaching sessions, online courses & powerful guided sound healing meditations using crystal singing bowls.

Register today to ensure you don't miss a thing!

This FREE workshop will be broadcast live in the Angel-Inspired Living Facebook Group. Register today to receive valuable course materials and bonuses.

Kris Groth

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